Halloween Pumpkin Graveyard Pudding Recipe
A fun way to serve a brownie pudding at Halloween.
1 Serving
10 Minutes Prep
192 Calories per Serving
Ingredient List
- 1 Fibre One™ 90 Calorie Chocolate Fudge Brownie
- 3 tablespoons ready-made low fat (or lighter) chocolate mousse
- 2 tablespoons canned pumpkin puree
- 1/4 teaspoon ground mixed spice
- Tube of white writing icing (optional)
- Mix the chocolate mousse, pumpkin puree and mixed spice together in a small dish.
- Cut a small rectangle from the brownie and set aside. Crumble the rest of the brownie roughly over the chocolate pumpkin mixture to resemble soil.
- Use the tube of writing icing to write ‘RIP’ on the reserved rectangle and position as a tombstone on the pudding.